A Study on Green Building Certification Criteria for Healthcare Facilities - Focused on System and Contents for Healthcare in BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE
녹색건축물 인증제도의 의료시설 평가에 관한 연구 - BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE의 평가방법과 평가내용 비교·분석을 중심으로

Eunji Yoon, Younghwan Lim
2016 Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture  
Purpose: As the concerns for the environment are gradually prioritized, increasing interests of environment-friendly buildings are drawn. The Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design (G-SEED) has been strengthened. However, there are no specific assessment criteria that reflect the special situation of healthcare facility. UK, US and Japan have green building certifications specially designed to evaluate sustainable healthcare facilities. This study has been started in order to provide
more » ... asic information for developing assessment criteria for healthcare facilities in Korean Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design. Methods: In this study, we investigated three foreign green building certifications and compared their assessment system and criteria for healthcare buildings. Results: Each of the three foreign certification standards showed the difference in the system, but all contained the contents specific to healthcare facilities. Evaluation items were affected by regional cultural environment and also medical environment. Patient safety and integrative planning were the most important assessment contents. Implications: Based on this analysis, Korean Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design for healthcare facilities will be developed.
doi:10.15682/jkiha.2016.22.3.17 fatcat:grknkd3htvgh5pvoqt3leifpcy