Current Guidelines for Management of Tuberculosis

Syed Nazim, Hussain Bokhari
1998 unpublished
Tuberculosis represents the single biggest killer of all the infectious diseases, accounting for 26% of all the diseases in developing countries. About 113 of the world's population (1. 7 billion people) is latently infected with Mycobacterium. tuberculosis. Five million new cases are being added to the existing pool worldwide. In Pakistan 1.5-2% of the population is suffering from active disease, whereas, over 80% of the adult population has been exposed to mycobacterium tuberculosis.
more » ... to the Population Commission report, Tuberculosis is the fourth major cause of death in Pakistan. Major obstacles to the control of Tuberculosis have been identified and include; inadequate prescription, improper or late diagnosis, irregular intake of drugs by the patients and poor follow-up. Under the prevailing circumstances the best way of controlling Tuberculosis in this country is to make early diagnosis of active pulmonary cases, who are particularly infectious and treat them under strict supervision to achieve at least 85% cure and 70% detection rate, which is the target set by the WH O. DIAGNOSIS