A comparative study of conventional versus interventional treatment in patients of planter fasciitis
Dr. Ram Avatar Saini, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mishra
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
Planter fasciitis is one of the most common cause of painful heel in adults. It is very difficult to treat this condition as causation is not exactly diagnosed. It is believed to be partly inflammatory and partly biomechanical. Although there are many treatment modalities for planter fasciitis, there is little consensus on its clinical approach as most of the treatments showed variable outcome. The existing management protocol are mainly from expert opinion derived practical guidelines. AIM:
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... s study was undertaken to compare the two treatment options in management of planter fasciitis: conventional alone versus interventional(i.e. local steroid injection)along with conventional. Materials and methods: A total of 60 patients diagnosed as having unilateral planter fasciitis were included in the study. They were allocated in two groups of equal number by randomization. Group A (30 patients) was treated with conventional approach NSAIDs i.e. Tab.Aceclofenc100mg and Paracetamol500mg one tablet twice a day along with tab. Pantaprazole 20 mg one tab. twice a day before meals for 4 weeks along with physiotherapy and soft shoe insoles. Group B (30 patients) was treated with local steroid injection, 1ml of Methyl prednisolone (Depomedrol, 40mg/ml) with 1ml of 2% Injection Lignocaine, single infilteration at the site of maximum tenderness along with conventional approach. Pain was assessed according to Visual analogue Scale (VAS) at 1 st , 4 th , 6 th week after initiation of treatment. Any complications if occurred were also recorded. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 18 by applying chi-Square test and P value of 0.05 and less were considered as significant. Result: Our study showed female preponderance (39/60). Majority of the patients were in age group between 31-45 years. But No significant difference was found according to age wise and gender wise distribution between two groups. Pain was significantly higher (p>0.001) in Group A (conventional approach) as compared to Group B (interventional approach along with conventional) at 1 st , 4 th , 6 th week following treatment. Conclusion: Interventional treatment (i.e. local steroid injection) along with conventional approach is a better treatment modality than conventional treatment alone.