Cavity-field distribution in multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings resonances

Th. K. Mavrogordatos
2021 Physical Review A  
We calculate the cavity-field distribution in the Wigner representation for the two-photon resonance of the weakly driven Jaynes-Cummings (JC) oscillator in its strong-coupling limit. Using an effective four-level system, we analytically demonstrate the presence of steady-state and transient bimodality which breaks azimuthal symmetry in phase space. The two steady-state peaks are located at opposite positions and do not correspond to the two-photon amplitude of the driven transition. The
more » ... ing bimodality is portrayed in parallel with the evolution of the intensity correlation function for the forwards-scattered photons, before being finally contrasted to the few-photon steady-state and transient phase-space profiles for the cavity mode in the JC model driven on resonance.
doi:10.1103/physreva.104.063717 fatcat:pun5erd5bbespgtturdpmygmfi