Improving Quality of Education in Guna-Tana Landscape: Investigating Determinants of Grade Four Students Reading Literacy in Primary Schools in South Gondar, Ethiopia

2020 Journal of Education and Practice  
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of reading literacy in selected primary schools in Guna-Tana landscape of South Gondar Zone. Specifically the study was designed to investigate the status of reading literacy achievement of student, examine whether the text book is relevant, assess the availability and utilization of teaching facilities, identify teachers' professional competence, investigate the learning interest and motivation of students and identify the
more » ... cipation of parents in reading literacy. Accordingly a survey design with qualitative and quantitative approach was used. From total target population students, 384 were selected randomly in 10 primary schools. All the available 100 teachers were taken comprehensively. For FDG parents, for interview principals and education experts were taken. In collecting the required data questioner for students and teachers, interview for principal and experts, standardized test for students, FGD for parents and observation checklist were used. The result showed that students perform 51.25 more or less equivalents to 50% of the minimum expectation of MoE in Ethiopian education and training policy. The socio-economic variables such as family size and parents' education levels have brought problem in children reading literacy. Moreover, parental involvement by 6.2%, students' interest and motivation by 17%, teachers competency and curriculum materials were determined the students reading literacy. The availability and utilization of instructional materials, the library facilities, pedagogical centers, and relative conducive class room and schools infrastructural facilities affected the reading literacy performance of students in the study area. As a result necessary suggestions were given on basic thematic areas for improving reading literacy.
doi:10.7176/jep/11-22-01 fatcat:clkhnjhis5htneicavhjonwaue