Effects of a magnetic field on vortex states in superfluid He3−B

Kenichi Kasamatsu, Ryota Mizuno, Tetsuo Ohmi, Mikio Nakahara
2019 Physical review B  
Superfluid ^3He-B possesses three locally stable vortices known as a normal-core vortex (o-vortex), an A-phase-core vortex (v-vortex), and a double-core vortex (d-vortex). In this work, we study the effects of a magnetic field parallel or perpendicular to the vortex axis on these structures by solving the two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation for two different sets of strong coupling correction. The energies of the v- and d-vortices have nontrivial dependence on the magnetic field. As a
more » ... tudinal magnetic field increases, the v-vortex is energetically unstable even for high pressures and the d-vortex becomes energetically most stable for all possible range of pressure. For a transverse magnetic field the energy of the v-vortex becomes lower than that of the d-vortex in the high pressure side. In addition, the orientation of the double cores in the d-vortex prefers to be parallel to the magnetic field at low pressures, while the d-vortex with the double cores perpendicular to the magnetic field is allowed to continuously deform into the v-vortex by increasing the pressure.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.99.104513 fatcat:463wfc4wv5hd3kb4hvxvosv7sm