The B Corp Movement: A Systematic Literature Review

Elsa Diez-Busto, Lidia Sanchez-Ruiz, Ana Fernandez-Laviada
2021 Sustainability  
This work develops a systematic literature review on the B Corp movement. Fifty articles were identified in the Web of Science and Scopus databases until 2020. Results show that it is an incipient field with great potential. There are two topics repeatedly addressed in the analyzed publications: the motivations of companies to be certified, and the economic and social effects that occur after certification. Sustainability is currently the reference journal in the field, since it has published a
more » ... total of five articles. Finally, several lines of future work are proposed, such as the contribution of B Corp companies to the SDGs; the development of case studies on the certification process itself; and the development of methods for measuring social impact.
doi:10.3390/su13052508 fatcat:lnqlvnjitzgudi7y4o2fj6zns4