Electromechanical Coupled Vibration between Traction Motor and Bogie of High-Speed Train

Zhiqiang Zhang, Xinying Zhao, Xiangfei Li, Fei Lin, Zhongping Yang
2016 Proceedings of the6th International Conference on Mechatronics, Materials, Biotechnology and Environment (ICMMBE 2016)   unpublished
In high-speed train, the harmonics generated in invertor due to control and nonlinear of switch may lead to the torque ripple in different frequency and amplitude. The driving device which consists of rotor, coupling, gear, shift and wheels of bogie has some resonance frequencies. When there are frequencies which are same or close to the resonance frequency of shifts in the torque pulsation, the shifts would be vibrated. First the paper analyzes the cause and influence of the torque pulsation.
more » ... hen the author calculates the vibration frequencies of drive devices. Finally the author simulates the coupling system of driving motor and bogie driving device.
doi:10.2991/icmmbe-16.2016.30 fatcat:ruq5a6kicjcprcdowb5z5ofsza