Design of Sliding-Mode-Observer-Based Sensorless Control of Boost Converters for High Dynamic Performance

Xutao Li, Minjie Chen, Tsutomu Yoshihara
2015 Journal of Signal Processing  
An inductor or switch current is necessary to control a boost converter in the continuous conduction mode for high dynamic performance. Sensorless current control of a boost converter reduces its cost, size, and weight. A Luenberger observer (LO) only feeds a linear output estimation error back to the observer. In this paper, a sliding mode observer (SMO), which feeds a nonlinear output estimation error back to the observer, was proposed for the sensorless control of a boost converter to
more » ... its dynamic performance. Simulations by Simulink and practical experiments on an NJU20010 digital signal processor are performed. It is shown that the proposed SMObased sensorless control of a boost converter maintains better dynamic performance than LO-based sensorless control and conventional sensor-based double-loop Proportional-Integral (PI) control.
doi:10.2299/jsp.19.253 fatcat:rx2xagdk5zhcpjdfgaswbjbjgm