A Novel Channel Equalizer Using Large Margin Algebraic Perceptron Network

Priti R. Hathy, Sasmita K. Padhy, Siba P. Panigrahi, Prashant K. Patra
2010 Journal of Communications  
This paper proposes a novel control scheme for channel equalization for wireless communication system. The proposed scheme considers channel equalization as a classification problem. For efficient solution of the problem, this paper makes use of a neural network working on Algebraic Perceptron (AP) algorithm as a classifier. Also, this paper introduces a method of performance improvement by increasing margin of AP equalizers. Novelty of the proposed scheme is evidenced by its simulation results.
doi:10.4304/jcm.5.8.637-645 fatcat:whhiwtu6kfbtxlkkp43aj3mh3i