Algebraic Bethe Circuits [article]

Alejandro Sopena, Max Hunter Gordon, Diego García-Martín, Germán Sierra, Esperanza López
The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz (ABA) is a highly successful analytical method used to exactly solve several physical models in both statistical mechanics and condensed-matter physics. Here we bring the ABA to unitary form, for its direct implementation on a quantum computer. This is achieved by distilling the non-unitary $R$ matrices that make up the ABA into unitaries using the QR decomposition. Our algorithm is deterministic and works for both real and complex roots of the Bethe equations. We
more » ... strate our method in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XX and XXZ models. We show that using this approach one can efficiently prepare eigenstates of the XX model on a quantum computer with quantum resources that match previous state-of-the-art approaches. We run numerical simulations, preparing eigenstates of the XXZ model for systems of up to 24 qubits and 12 magnons. Furthermore, we run small-scale error-mitigated implementations on the IBM quantum computers, including the preparation of the ground state for the XX and XXZ models in $4$ sites. Finally, we derive a new form of the Yang-Baxter equation using unitary matrices, and also verify it on a quantum computer.
doi:10.48550/arxiv.2202.04673 fatcat:yiuylxsq2nh6rliedtiyslotay