Effect of transverse reinforcement on the strength of lap splices

Takashi MIURA, Tomohiro SUZUKI
1987 Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu  
The strength of lapped splices of deformed bars is influenced by: splice length, concrete strength, cover, the arrangement and the quality of transverse bars, etc. In this study, in order to determine the effect of transverse bars on the strength of the splice the use of a form of modular ratio (N) is proposed, together with an equation, using this modular ratio, for calculating the splice strength. Also, values of the modular ratio corresponding to different reinforcement ratios (1. 28-4. 03%)
more » ... and different temperatures (ambient-100'C) are measured and at the same time lapped splice tests are carried out. Comparisons of experimental values with calculated indicated that the proposed equation is adequate.
doi:10.2208/jscej.1987.378_53 fatcat:at4queexlbbmpnajaghnvaufse