A Refractory Case of Granulomatous Mastitis Treated with Methotrexate

Jong Jin Yoo, Eun Ha Kang, Yun Jong Lee, Sung-Won Kim, In-Ah Choi, Eun Bone Lee, Yeong Wook Song
2012 Korean Journal of Medicine  
Granulomatous mastitis (GM) is an uncommon chronic inflammatory disease of the breast that can mimic breast carcinoma or infection. The treatment options include expectant management, complete resection, and corticosteroid therapy, although no standard treatment has been established. Recently, several case reports have suggested that methotrexate is another effective treatment for GM. Here, we describe the first Korean case of recurrent GM successfully treated with low-dose weekly methotrexate
more » ... nd review the relevant literature. (Korean J Med 2012;82:386-391)
doi:10.3904/kjm.2012.82.3.386 fatcat:aqq26udwq5cy7bzxhz7v4vno2u