Book Review

1983 Ophthalmologica  
An Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery; 3rd ed. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia 1981 300pp., 150fig.; Dfl. 236.25 ISBN 0-397-50481-0 It has been more than 10 years since the second edition of this atlas has appeared. The two authors have now published a completely revised and rejuvenated third edition. They have recruited the help of two other members of the Department of Ophthalmology at Duke University: Dr. Arthur C. Chandler. Jr., who helped in the revision of the chapters on ptosis, muscle surgery
more » ... surgery of the lacrimal system, and Dr. Maurice B. Landers III, who completely rewrote the section on retinal detachment and added a new section on vitreous surgery. All the other chapters have also been extensively revised and numerous new pictures have been added. The great advantage of this book lies in the excellent sketches (drawn by Robert L. Blake, Sr., and Robert Bray Wingate). These illustrations complement the text in a marvelous way. Every single page of the text faces a full page of illustrative drawings. This makes the understanding of all the operations clear and easy to follow. The book is recommended to every ophthalmic surgeon.
doi:10.1159/000309322 fatcat:tve77s4ernfybbfiadi3t74mhu