Role of quantum correlations in light-matter quantum heat engines

G. Alvarado Barrios, F. Albarrán-Arriagada, F. A. Cárdenas-López, G. Romero, J. C. Retamal
2017 Physical Review A  
We study a quantum Otto engine embedding a working substance composed by a two-level system interacting with a harmonic mode. The physical properties of the substance are described by a generalized quantum Rabi model arising in superconducting circuits realizations. We show that light-matter quantum correlations reduction during the hot bath stage and compression stage act as a resource for enhanced work extraction and efficiency respectively. Also, we demonstrate that the anharmonic spectrum
more » ... the working subtance has a direct impact on the transition from heat engine into refrigerator as the light-matter coupling is increased. These results shed light on the search for optimal conditions in the performance of quantum heat engines.
doi:10.1103/physreva.96.052119 fatcat:d62lmc66ejdkxhdwhiz6dk2p6i