Target-Adverse Events and Fear of Cancer Progression, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer [post]

Chu Chun Yu, Chia Yu Chu, Yeur Hur Lai, Jui Chun Chan, Yen Ju Chen, Hui Te Hsu, Yun-Hsiang Lee
2021 unpublished
Objective: To examine the difference in levels of fear of cancer progression (FoP), anxiety, depression between presence/absence of the target-adverse events (AEs); and to examine the differences in incidence rate of AEs and FoP, anxiety, and depression among three generations of EGFR-TKIs therapy (first, gefitinib and erlotinib [G1]; second, afatinib [G2]; third, osimertinib [G3]) in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.Methods: A cross-sectional study design. NSCLC patients (n=128)
more » ... recruited from a medical center in Taiwan. A set of structured questionnaires assessing AEs, FoP, anxiety and depression. Results: Parts of AEs, such as photosensitivity, paronychia, and alopecia, exhibited significantly higher levels of FoP, anxiety, and depression. Less patients experienced AEs in the G3 group than those in the G1 or G2 group but still reported experiencing itching, dry skin with grade 3 severity. The incidence rates of mouth/throat sores, and cheilosis/cheilitis in the G2 group was significantly higher than those in the G1 or G3 group. The incidence rate of FoP, anxiety and depression were 13.8-26.3%, 23.8-40.4% and 16.7-42.1%, respectively.Conclusions: The priorities of care among three generations of EGFR-TKIs in patients with NSCLC were established. FoP, anxiety and depression were present among different targeted therapies and require further attention.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:xb65wjevyfdmhj3uqem5p4rvou