B134 Periferal nerve block for postoperative analgesia in obstetric cases undergoing caesarean section

C Sousa, D Gonçalves, G Norte, C Sampaio, S Caramelo
2022 Peripheral nerve blocks   unpublished
supplemented with a sub-sartorial deposition of LA to ensure the saphenous nerve blockade.The second injection included the blockade of NVL, NVI and the AFCN branches. Recovery was assessed by 'Quality of recovery' score (QoR15) (4) preoperatively, on day 1, 2 and 7 po. Results The time spent in moderate pain was reduced at all po time points compared with preop. The time spent in severe pain at 24 and 48 hours was not increased compared with preop. Three of the five patients required no rescue
more » ... opioids. Among the others median oral morphine milligram equivalent was 50mg within 48h.All patients were mobile within the first 24h.
doi:10.1136/rapm-2022-esra.209 fatcat:xav3xlc2vnhgxpf7tosrzulc5i