Location and Characterization of Breeding Sites of Solitary Desert Locust Using Satellite Images Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS

Lazar Mohammed, Aliou Diongue, Jeng-Tze Yang, Doumandji-Mitiche Bahia, Lecoq Michel
2015 Advances in Entomology  
How to cite this paper: Lazar, M., Diongue, A., Yang, J., Doumandji-Mitiche, B. and Lecoq, M. (2015) Location and Characterization of Breeding Sites of Solitary Desert Locust Using Satellite Images Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS. Advances in Entomology, 3, 6-15. http://dx. Abstract In the southern Algerian Sahara, populations of the desert locust have been monitored during the past 43 years. On a limited study area, the use of remote sensing data from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS, coupled
more » ... the locust population database, allowed the identification and mapping of solitary desert locust breeding areas during remission periods. These sites are mainly located in wadis and in areas of accumulation/spreading of rainwater. The use of this methodology to all the Algerian Sahara is surely possible in order to improve the preventive management of this pest.
doi:10.4236/ae.2015.31002 fatcat:de4jw3kdmbgf3m2q376wg7wtiy