Logical Data Integration Model for the Integration of Data Repositories

Waseem Jeelani Bakshi, Rana Hashmy, Majid Zaman, Muheet Ahmed Butt
2018 International Journal of Database Theory and Application  
Physical integration of heterogeneous data sources is too high a price for small and medium level enterprises. This is primarily because of the variance in data base management system (MySQL, MsSQL, Oracle, etc.), underlying operating systems (Linux, Windows, etc.), besides numerous legacy sources (DBase, Foxplus, etc.). Enterprises are spending huge amounts for establishing data warehouses while as the data of interest increases gradually [Harmeek Bedi]. Over the years enterprises have
more » ... ted numerous data sources along with legacy repositories which have variant data, schema and context and their integration is increasingly difficult. In this paper we propose a LDIM (Logical Data Integration Model) which will describe data, schema and context for integration of heterogeneous data sources including legacy repositories.
doi:10.14257/ijdta.2018.11.1.03 fatcat:jp2fmbs6ybe4jd3xyqe5rmiagm