Applied Information and Communication Technology in the Antidoping Agency of Serbia – View of the System Administrator

Miloš Cjetičanin, Bojan Vajagić, Milica Vukašinović Vesić, Marija Anđelković, Nenad Dikić
2016 Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2016   unpublished
Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia represents a rare case among governmental institutions considering that statutory job positions include the system administrator. This position is conditioned by the need for performing the following tasks: Design and maintenance of website (mainly for education of athletes, news, etc.), Online education via Moodle platform, Use Facebook for education and communication, Use YouTube and Google books for additional education and communication., Developing android
more » ... cation, Pre-press of all educational material and books. Since one of the main tasks of ADAS is education, applied information and communication technology is very important. Education is recognized as the key reason for reduction of the number of doping positive cases in Serbia during ten years of ADAS existence.
doi:10.15308/sinteza-2016-595-599 fatcat:pmnxyidwbndthenitq7itgew7y