Cloudworks: Social networking for learning design

Gráinne Conole, Juliette Culver
2009 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology  
<span>Can we apply the best of Web 2.0 principles to an educational context? More specifically can we use this as a means of shifting teaching practice to a culture of sharing learning ideas and designs? This paper describes a new social networking site, </span>Cloudworks<span>, which aims to provide a mechanism for sharing, discussing and finding learning and teaching ideas and designs. We describe the development of the site and the key associated concepts, 'clouds' and 'cloudscapes'. We
more » ... de a summary of recent activities and plans for the future. We conclude by describing the underpinning theoretical perspectives we have drawn on in the development of the site and in particular the notion of 'social objects' in social networking and a framework for 'sociality' for transforming user practice online.</span>
doi:10.14742/ajet.1120 fatcat:oubjycstijggbimm32iluunena