A logic block enabling logic configuration by non-experts in sensor networks

Susan Cotterell, Frank Vahid
2005 CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05  
Recent years have seen the evolution of networks of tiny low power computing blocks, known as sensor networks. In one class of sensor networks, a non-expert user, who has little or no experience with electronics or programming, selects, connects and/or configures one or more blocks such that the blocks compute a particular Boolean logic function of sensor values. We describe a series of experiments showing that non-expert users have much difficulty with a block based on Boolean logic truth
more » ... s, and that a logic block having a sentence-like structure with some configurable switches yields a better success rate. We also show that a particular use of color with a truth table improves results over a traditional truth table.
doi:10.1145/1056808.1057058 dblp:conf/chi/CotterellV05 fatcat:mlxvs2izyjf5vh3dtkli3dulyi