A Heuristic Model of the Evolving Universe Inspired by Hawking and Penrose [chapter]

Eugene Terry Tatum
2019 New Ideas Concerning Black Holes and the Evolution of the Universe [Working Title]  
A heuristic model of universal expansion is presented which uses, as its founding principle, Stephen Hawking's singularity theorem. All assumptions of this model are intrinsically linked to Hawking's theorem and its implications with respect to the time-symmetric properties of general relativity. This is believed to be the first mathematical model constructed in such a way, and it is remarkably accurate with respect to current astrophysical observations. This model's apparent superiority to
more » ... dard inflationary cosmology is emphasized throughout, including its accurate derivations of the observed Hubble parameter value and CMB anisotropy. The model definition of cosmic entropy not only correlates the observed temperature anisotropy but also may have implications for resolving the cosmological constant problem and the mystery of dark energy. Moreover, the model has a temperature curve which is more favorable for the remarkably early formation of quasars and galaxies. Possible deep connections to Verlinde's "emergent gravity" theory are also discussed.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.87019 fatcat:zuvidxgkfvgidmkeblcuetqoxm