An Isogeometric Cloth Simulation Based on Fast Projection Method

Xuan Peng, Chao Zheng
2023 CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences  
A novel continuum-based fast projection scheme is proposed for cloth simulation. Cloth geometry is described by NURBS, and the dynamic response is modeled by a displacement-only Kirchhoff-Love shell element formulated directly on NURBS geometry. The fast projection method, which solves strain limiting as a constrained Lagrange problem, is extended to the continuum version. Numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the performance of the current scheme. The proposed approach can be applied
more » ... grids of arbitrary topology and can eliminate unrealistic over-stretching efficiently if compared to spring-based methodologies.
doi:10.32604/cmes.2022.022367 fatcat:7q675bdg4fabnef3cubp24kvie