Peramalan Tingkat Inflasi Indonesia Menggunakan Neural Network Backpropagation Berbasis Metode Time Series [post]

Amrin Amrin
2019 unpublished
In this study will be used back propagation neural network method to predict themonthly inflation rate in Indonesia. In the results of the data analysis is concludedthat the performance of back propagation neural network that formed by thetraining data and validated by testing data generates prediction accuracy rate isvery good with a mean square error (MSE) is 0.0171. By using a moving averageto forecast the independent variables obtained the rate of inflation in the month ofJuly 2014 is
more » ... by using exponential smoothing to forecast the independentvariables obtained by the rate of inflation in the month of July 2014 is 0.45, andby using seasonal method to forecast the independent variables obtained by therate of inflation in the month of July 2014 is 0.93.
doi:10.31227/ fatcat:iqsi2eqtvbdp5i3by2av63sile