Hemşire Çalışma Alanlarının Mekânsal Memnuniyet Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
Gülnur Ballice
Tasarım + Kuram
Physical factors of the space consist of more subjective and measurable elements. Visual, dimensional, tactile, thermal, olfactory and auditory data that appeal to all sensory pathways are among the constituents of physical existence of an individual. The dimensions, form, vertical and horizontal elements of the space, its color, texture and material features, and the perception it creates with stimuli such as sound and smell are the spatial dimension of physical satisfaction (Bayızıtlıoğlu,
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... 9; Saegert, 2004) . The aim of this study is to evaluate the spatial satisfaction in nurse working areas through psychosocial expectations. For this purpose, two separate inquiries were made within the scope of the study: It was questioned whether the individual parameters of nurses had a significant effect on the psychosocial needs in the workplaces and whether the psychosocial needs were seen as sufficient by the nurses in the workplaces. Four different data collection methods were used in the study: In addition to the literature data and the observations made by the researchers, the data obtained from the survey and interview studies constitute the findings of the study. The findings of the research were considered separately for the two hospital nurses in order to analyze the interior spaces correctly. The universe of the research includes nurses working at Çeşme State Hospital (ÇDH) and Urla State Hospital (UDH), which are located around İzmir province. When examining the adequacy of spatial data to meet the psychosocial needs of nurses in their working areas, it has been observed that there are significant deficiencies in natural and artificial light, noise and odor control, security, belonging, border and privacy. It is understood that in order to eliminate these inadequate circumstances, carrying out detailed studies for healthcare professionals indoors, first of all, to protect human rights and employee rights, then to increase work performance in terms of tolerance and a good workforce to the patient, to decrease occupational accidents due to stress, violation of safety and fatigue and thus to increase the efficiency of health services are extremely important.