العلاقة بین کفاءة سوق الأوراق المالیة ونجاح برنامج الخصخصة فی مصر خلال الفترة من 1992-2011

2019 المجلة العملیة التجارة والتمویل  
The relationship between the efficiency of stock market and the success of privatization program in Egypt during 1992-2011 ‫د/‬ ‫جٌغ١ذ‬ ‫جٌٛجزذ‬ ‫ػرذ‬ ‫ػثّحْ‬ ‫دمحم‬ 1 ‫ِغطخٍض‬ : ‫حٌّخٌ١ش‬ ‫حألٍٚحق‬ ‫ٓٛق‬ ‫وفخءس‬ ‫طؼي‬ ‫ِظطٍزخص‬ ‫أكي‬ ‫حٌوٜوٜش‬ ‫ٓ١خٓش‬ ‫ططز١ك‬ ‫حٌٕخؿلش‬ ‫وّخ‬ ‫حٌوٜوٜش‬ ‫طٔخػي‬ ‫ٓٛق‬ ‫طٛٓ١غ‬ ‫ػٍٝ‬ ‫حٌّخٌ١ش‬ ‫حألٍٚحق‬ : Abstract The efficiency of the stock market is one of the most important requirements to implement a successful privatization policy. Privatization also helps in
more » ... xpanding the stock market, as well as deepening the market, and since the application of privatization programs in its narrow concept through direct selling to major investors has always been a subject of controversy, some advocate the need to implement those programs from the public subscription, but the problem of the extent of the relationship between the success of the privatization program and the efficiency of the stock market is always raised. Therefore, the study aims to examine the extent of the mutual relationship between the efficiency of the stock market and the privatization program to determine the extent of the success of the stock market in Egypt in contributing to the success of the privatization process and determine the extent of the success of the privatization process itself in revitalizing the Egyptian stock market, and for this it 1 ‫مصر‬ ، ‫االسكندرية‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫التجارة،‬ ‫كلية‬ ‫العامة،‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫مدرس‬
doi:10.21608/caf.2019.125913 fatcat:scwbvmlkvnby3os67q53rdxpdq