Synthesis of Silver Nano wires and their Polymer Nanocomposite [article]

Aref Abbasi Moud, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, U.T. Sundararaj
Polymers and polymer engineering have been revolutionized using nano inclusions such as MWCNT and metal nanowires. In this study due to its amazing properties silver nanowire was singled out for embedding in polymers and produced using an efficient electrochemical process. Silver nanowires (AgNWs) were synthesized by the AC electrodeposition of Ag into porous aluminum oxide templates. AgNWs were embedded into polystyrene with a solution processing technique to create a nanocomposite. In a
more » ... ll, this study is aimed at attaining high EMI shielding effectiveness for silver nanowire/polymer nanocomposite and finding a correlation between deteriorating effect of surface oxidation and EMI shielding efficacy. To the best of our knowledge, to date, no one has studied the effect of change in silver surface chemistry and subsequent changes in conductivity, on EMI shielding effectiveness.
doi:10.11575/prism/27959 fatcat:prp6oav4rfazlfhswrrgz5qkpe