Process Over Product: A Pedagogical Focus on Email as a Means of Refining Legal Analysis

Katrina Lee
2016 Social Science Research Network  
As a 1997 law school graduate, I was among the first generation of lawyers to regularly use email in law practice. During the late 1990s and early 2000s, lawyers and other professionals developed a reputation for being wedded to their BlackBerry email devices.' Not trained in communicating via email in law school, 2 the lawyers of that era became selftaught experts on the topic. Over the past several years, email communications have increasingly become part of legal writing curricula. 3
more » ... r Kristen Tiscione, in her 2008 landmark article on email communications and the first-year (IL) legal writing curriculum, 4 presented survey data revealing email as the primary mode of communicating legal analysis in law practice.' She concluded that legal educators "who seek to prepare students for the practice of law" should recognize the shift from traditional memoranda to email communications
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2800135 fatcat:vsrwmuxkazafvmxxfmdg2di22i