Über Eisen(II)-Komplexe substituierter 2-Pyridinalphenylimine / Complexes of Iron (II) with Substituted 2-Pyridinalphenylimines

P. Barth, G. Schmauss, H. Specker
1972 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
This paper reports the isolation of a series of new coordination compounds formed with substituted 2-pyridinalphenylimines and iron (II). Susceptibility data, electronic spectra and infrared spectra leading to the characterisation of the compounds [FeL3] (ClO4)2, [FeL2(NCS)2] and [FeL2′ (NCS)2] (L = 2-pyridinalphenylimine or phenylsubstituted 2-pyridinalphenylimine, L′ = 6-methyl-2-pyridinalphenylimine) are presented. Fully low-spin, fully high-spin and a temperature dependent spin-equilibrium
more » ... etween intermediate spin state and high-spin can be produced by appropiate substitution.
doi:10.1515/znb-1972-1007 fatcat:zxwn5acl6jewbnpat3iyozdmwm