Experimental kernel-based quantum machine learning in finite feature space

Karol Bartkiewicz, Clemens Gneiting, Antonín Černoch, Kateřina Jiráková, Karel Lemr, Franco Nori
2020 Scientific Reports  
We implement an all-optical setup demonstrating kernel-based quantum machine learning for two-dimensional classification problems. In this hybrid approach, kernel evaluations are outsourced to projective measurements on suitably designed quantum states encoding the training data, while the model training is processed on a classical computer. Our two-photon proposal encodes data points in a discrete, eight-dimensional feature Hilbert space. In order to maximize the application range of the
more » ... able kernels, we optimize feature maps towards the resulting kernels' ability to separate points, i.e., their "resolution," under the constraint of finite, fixed Hilbert space dimension. Implementing these kernels, our setup delivers viable decision boundaries for standard nonlinear supervised classification tasks in feature space. We demonstrate such kernel-based quantum machine learning using specialized multiphoton quantum optical circuits. The deployed kernel exhibits exponentially better scaling in the required number of qubits than a direct generalization of kernels described in the literature.
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68911-5 pmid:32704032 fatcat:2djf7cijz5fkpjngkgocqtirhy