Mathematical Methods for Nonlinear Wave Phenomena and their Applications. Bragg Scattering of Surface Gravity Waves due to Porous Bottom Undulations
波の非線形現象の数理とその応用 透水性を有する海底起状による波浪のBragg散乱

Hajime MASE
1996 Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics  
Time-dependent and independent wave equations are developed for waves propagating over a porous rippled layer, with rapid undulations about the mean water depth satisfying the mild slope assumption, on an impermeable slowly varying bottom also satisfying the mild slope assumption. The ripples are assumed to have wavelengths of the same order as those of surface gravity waves. The time-dependent equation developed here contains the existing theories of Berkhoff (1972) and Kirby (1986) . A
more » ... ic approximation is applied to the time-independent wave equation, and coupled parabolic equations are developed. Using these equations, the Bragg scattering is analyzed.
doi:10.11426/nagare1982.15.195 fatcat:wbub5oqs4bamrpftgurqton3vq