A Case of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug-induced Pancytopenia

Mayu ONO, Yoshio KASUGA, Michihiko HARADA, Asumi IESATO
2012 The Shinsu Medical Journal  
We report herein a very rare case of Graves' disease with antithyroid drug-induced pancytopenia.A 75year-old woman was diagnosed with Graves' disease by thyroid hormone and anti-TSH receptor antibody,and administration of thiamazole was started. Seven weeks later the patient visited our hospital because of high fever and sore throat. The laboratory examination revealed pancytopenia with agranulocytosis and elevated C-reactive protein.Administration of thiamazole was stopped because antithyroid
more » ... rug-induced pancytopenia was considered. The patient was admitted to an isolated single room and treated with granulocyte colonystimulating factor, immunoglobulin, antibiotics and platelet transfusion. The patient recovered from agranulocytosis 13 days after the beginning of treatment for pancytopenia.
doi:10.11441/shinshumedj.60.201 fatcat:ydthhqxosfaetkjq3ptgezunz4