Faculty of 1000 evaluation for A novel Drosophila model of nerve injury reveals an essential role of nmnat in maintaining axonal integrity [dataset]

Aaron DiAntonio
2012 F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature   unpublished
Axons damaged by acute injury, toxic insults or during neurodegenerative diseases undergo Wallerian or Wallerian-like degeneration, which is an active and orderly cellular process but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood [1-3]. Drosophila has been proven a successful system for modeling human neurodegenerative diseases [4, 5] . In this study, we established a novel in vivo model of axon injury using the adult fly wing. The wing nerve highlighted by fluorescent
doi:10.3410/f.14245970.15758083 fatcat:phto2ouqlvapffotuwhyrxhewy