Input-Output Table Regionalization and Multiregional Input-Output Model Development Algorithm

Yurii S. Ershov, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the SB RAS, Naimdzhon M. Ibragimov, Aleksandr I. Dushenin, Novosibirsk National Research State University
2001 Journal of Siberian Federal University  
The main problems of constructing multiregional input-output (IO) models used for the development of spatial and sectoral long-term national economy forecasts are caused by the absence of proper statistics. Therefore, it is necessary to make up the input-output tables (IOTs) based on a limited set of direct and indirect indicators that measure spatial patterns of production, consumption, capital formation, etc., sufficiently accurate for filling up multiregional IO models. The paper discusses
more » ... ssian IOT spatial mapping problems and proposes an approach to partial automation of the procedures necessary for regional IOT construction (by federal districts). The regionalization was carried out using a static IO model with the bounding sum control. As a result, a set of consistent regional tables for 2015 was developed, with the eight IOT sum equalling Russia's IOT. Based on the estimated regional IOTs, a static multiregional input-output model (OMIOM) across federal districts for 2015 was made up. The model allows us to proceed to the follow-up phase, i. e., developing a semi-dynamic model for long-term national economic projection computations
doi:10.17516/1997-1370-0781 fatcat:tges2fe5wvehzhmjr4xpjdxiji