IoT for smart home system

Puji Catur Siswipraptini, Rosida Nur Aziza, Iriansyah Sangadji, Indrianto Indrianto, Riki Ruli A. Siregar, Grace Sondakh
2021 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
<p>This paper examines the integration of smart home and solar panel system that is controlled and monitored using IoT (internet ofthings). To enable the smart home system to monitor the activity within the house and act according to the current conditions, it is equipped with several sensors, actuators and smart appliances. All of these devices have to be connected to a communication network, so they can communicate and provide services forthe smart home's in habitants. The smart home system
more » ... s first introduced to provide comfort and convenience, but later it should also address many other things, e.g. the importance of the efficient use of energy or electricity and hybrid use of energy sources. A solar panel is added to the smart home prototype and its addition is studied. Adaptive linear neural network is implemented in the prototype as an algorithm for predicting decisions based on the current conditions. The construction of the proposed integrated systemis carried out through several procedures, i.e. the implementation of the adaptive linear neural network (ADALINE) as the neural network method, the design of the prototype and the testing process. This prototype integrates functionalities of several household appliances into one application controlled by an Android-based framework.</p>
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v23.i2.pp733-739 fatcat:xahgwtvgvzcifcxnidle4wnr6u