Hydrogen in Electrolessly Deposited Palladium Films

相良 優作, 小田 幸典, 福室 直樹, 八重 真治
2018 MES  
The atomistic state and desorption behavior of hydrogen in electrolessly deposited pure Pd and Pd-P alloy films employed for the surface finishing of printed circuit boards were examined by thermal desorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. For the pure Pd films, a broad desorption peak of hydrogen were observed at 400 ~ 700 K. The lattice contraction decreased and the grain size increased with temperature of heat treatment up to 700 K. In a
more » ... region above 700 K, a lot of desorption peaks were observed and the grain growth proceeded. The total amount of hydrogen desorbed from pure Pd film between 300 ~ 1100 K was x = 7.3×10 -3 in atomic ratio (x = H/Pd). For the Pd-P alloy films, a broad desorption peak was observed in the amorphous state at 350 ~ 500 K and a sharp desorption peak was observed in the vicinity of 570 K with the formation of intermetallic compounds such as Pd 3 P and Pd 6 P. The grain size of these intermetallic compounds increased and a few broad desorption peaks were observed at 700 ~ 1100 K. The total amount of desorbed hydrogen of Pd-P alloy film was x = 3.2×10 -3 .
doi:10.11486/mes.28.0_21 fatcat:shrbpdlqpjamveleb5pl4z6x5i