Experimental Researches Regarding Determination of Soil Deformations for Applied Studies Related with Soil Compaction

Adrian MOLNAR, Victor ROŞ, Ioan DROCAŞ, Ovidiu RANTA, Sorin STĂNILĂ, Ovidiu MARIAN
2010 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Agriculture  
Soil compaction mainly occurs when the soil is subjected to various applied loads by different types of agricultural implements because of a soil-tyre interaction process influenced by several factors (some factors being related with implements technical characteristics and other factors being related with soil physical and mechanical properties). In general, the agricultural traffic will modify the initial stress state in the soil and it's one of the main causes for soil soil surface
more » ... and deep soil compaction. This paper presents a tool and a method for experimental determination, in laboratory conditions, of soil deformations at soil-tyre interface layer and on soil profile. The analysis of measured data showed that the analyzed method for experimental determination of soil deformations can be used also in field conditions, e.g. for studies related with spatial studies on traffic intensity on agricultural fields.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-agr:5034 fatcat:xeugv23f5nfljgxq5ous4r72ym