Analysis of Cryptocurrency Market by Using q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Hypersoft Set Algorithm Based on Aggregation Operators

Salma Khan, Muhammad Gulistan, Nasreen Kausar, Sajida Kousar, Dragan Pamucar, Gezahagne Mulat Addis, Yu Zhou
2022 Complexity  
One of the most important innovations brought by digitization is the cryptocurrency, also called virtual or digital currency, which has been discussed in recent years and in particular is a new platform for investors. Different types of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Tether do not depend on a central authority. Decision making is complicated by categorization and transmission of uncertainty, as well as verification of digital currency. The weighted average and
more » ... hted geometric aggregation operators are used in this article to define a multi-attribute decision-making approach. This work investigates the uniqueness of q-rung orthopair fuzzy hypersoft sets (q-ROFHSS), which respond to instabilities, uncertainty, ambiguity, and imprecise information. This research also covers some fundamental topics of q-ROFHSS. The model offered here is the best option for learning about electronic currency. This study validates the complexity of decision-making problems with different attributes and subattributes to obtain an optimal choice. We conclude that Bitcoin has a diverse set of applications and that crypto assets are well positioned to become an important asset class in decision making.
doi:10.1155/2022/7257449 fatcat:qokgktcvcngmndkec44z4o2qsi