Hydranencephaly: A rare case report

Nalini Sharma, Vinayak Jante, Rituparna Das, Subrat Panda, Mandeep Sagar
2021 Indian Journal of Case Reports  
Hydranencephaly (HE) is a rare condition occurring in <1/10,000 births worldwide. It is one of the recognized forms of brain malformations that are usually associated with intrauterine fetal demise rarely seen in postnatal life. HE can often be misdiagnosed due to certain common features with other neurological abnormalities such as hydrocephalus, holoprosencephaly, and porencephaly. Here, we report the case of a 26-year-old pregnant patient at 34 weeks who was referred with ultrasonography
more » ... ing of HE which was confirmed by fetal MRI. The decision to deliver the baby was taken expecting an extremely poor outcome after discussing with the family.
doi:10.32677/ijcr.v7i11.3136 fatcat:p34xi5kayzaxdnuukzxltt5omy