Evaluation of Fracture Resistance for Autopolymerizing Acrylic Resin Materials Reinforced with Glass Fiber Mesh, Metal Mesh and Metal Wire Materials: An in Vitro Study

Reem Abdulrahim, Nuran Yanikoğlu
2022 Open Journal of Stomatology  
Statement of problem: Many processes have been applied to improve the fracture resistance of acrylic resin dentures by reinforcing them. The maximum goal of any denture repair is to restore the main strength of the denture and to avoid further fracture. Purpose: This study investigated the ability of self-curing acrylic resin to be strength and deflection of repaired acrylic resin joints reinforced with various reinforcement materials to resist fracture. Material and methods: Transverse
more » ... of polymethyl methacrylate acrylic resin reinforced with glass fiber mesh, metal mesh, and metal wire was evaluated with a 3-point load test on 40 intact specimens (n = 10 for control group) (n = 10 per each reinforcement material group). Fractured joint margins were rounded, a 4-mm gap was placed between them, and then they were repaired with autopolymerizing acrylic resin and retested. Results: Transverse strength for the polymethyl methacrylate acrylic resin samples has showed fracture at the side of sample rather than in the middle area of reinforcement materials and some other samples showed bending statue rather than fracture. Conclusion: Reinforcement with glass fiber mesh, metal mesh, and metal wire produced transverse strength in the side area of resin denture base material rather than in the middle of reinforcement area with bending samples rather than fracture response.
doi:10.4236/ojst.2022.122004 fatcat:l67tskj7jrfjna2a6yybvwt5qe