Integration of Crisis Phenomena in Communal Enterprises Activities: Urban Approach
Інтегрованість кризових явищ у діяльності комунальних підприємств: урбаністичний підхід

Oleksandr Khadartsev, Alyona Mischenko
2018 Modern Economics  
Introduction. The crisis phenomena emergence on economic entities has a negative impact on the economic environment. At the stage of forecasting the crisis in the enterprise there is a question of the appropriateness ant icrisis instruments using. The development of anti-crisis solutions should be based on such elements as strategic goal, object of influence and leverage of influence, which is especially acute for the housing and communal services enterprises. Purpose. The purpose of the
more » ... h is to determine the place of the communal enterprise in moderation of the crisis phenomena of the municipal entity. Results. The article deals with the methodical aspects concerning the order of crisis phenomena in the enterprise, their distribution on phases and stages. The problems of certain types of communal services -external urban lighting are considered. On the example of PEZO "Mysksvitlo" the main aspects of crisis phenomena manifestation on the municipal sphere were revealed. Diagnostics of the probability of a crisis of the PEZO "Mysksvitlo" with the use of tools: analysis of marginal income; calculation of the Fulmer model and discriminant model; SWOT analysis of the external environment. According to the results of diagnostics and the revealed relationship of the enterprise activity type with the municipal environment situation, implementation of an energy saving project in the field of outdoor lighting has been proposed. It is substantiated that the realization of this project will be the initial stage of integ rated development of both the enterprise and optimization of budget expenditures of the municipality. The potential economic and social benefits for the urban environment, as well as for the enterprise, including in relation to the prevention of the negati ve impact of crisis phenomena. Conclusions. For communal enterprises, the strategic integrated approach to preventing the crisis phenomena impact should be to increase production volumes, expand the list of works and services, in order to strengthen the competitive position and increase revenues. These are the main ways of overcoming the effects of crises and ensuring financial stability and growth. In modern conditions, the complexity of the objective analysis of crisis phenomena or processes is associated with the possible misunderstanding of certain components and their incorrect assessment.
doi:10.31521/modecon.v12(2018)-29 fatcat:gtqny2mwfbhrbg3oe3eyohchga