Dielektrische Relaxation und Elektronenspinrelaxation von Eisen(III)acetylacetonat in verdünnter Lösung/ Dielectric Relaxation and Electron Spin Relaxation of Ferric Acetylacetonate in Dilute Solutions

W. Dietz, H. Kilp, W. Noerpel, M. Straßmann, M. Stockhausen
1976 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
AbstractThe dielectric loss and electron spin resonance linewidth of ferric acetylacetonate have been measured in dilute solutions of benzene, m-and p-xylene, mesitylene and carbon tetrachloride. Permittivity measurements were made at 10 frequencies in the microwave region (1.2 m to 1 mm wave-length), ESR measurement at 2 frequencies (X and Q band). The permittivity results show a broad non-Debye pattern, yielding a mean correlation time of about 4 ps. The ESR results yield a mean correlation
more » ... me of about 3 ps. The parallelism between the results obtained by both methods is discussed in view of a common relaxation process, which is the transient deformation of the chelate system resulting from stochastic induction by neighbouring solvent molecules.
doi:10.1515/zna-1976-0507 fatcat:pcz2kg6rabhipiiyz765a6lbie