Terapias hormonales utilizadas en el control artificial de la madurez sexual en peces de cultivo: una revisión

I Valdebenito
2008 Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria  
The present literature review analyzes the current state of artificial control of sexual maturity in fish culture using hormone therapy, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of different technological strategies available. The discussion covers from the first successful attempt conducted by Houssay (1930), Argentina, up to the most recent and more effective techniques of slow release and the use of dopamine inhibitors. In addition, the evaluation of the use of non traumatic methodologies
more » ... that up until now have not been entirely effective is covered.
doi:10.4067/s0301-732x2008000200002 fatcat:z3rl625tq5dt7etoxhvo2zrxki