CD 112 - Wheat cultivar of excellent agronomic type

F.A. Franco, V.S. Marchioro, I. Schuster, T.D. Nora, E.F. Oliveira, A. Alves Sobrinho
2007 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology  
CD 112 has an excellent agronomic type, low plant height, good industrial quality and a mean grain yield of 2,459, 2,833 and 4,090 kg ha -1 in the regions 6 (North), 7 (Central West) and 8 (Central South) of the state of Paraná, respectively, was developed by COODETEC and is indicated for cultivation in the state of Paraná.
doi:10.12702/1984-7033.v07n01a14 fatcat:t6wcpfyiubhthfqfuiatd2qnoa