Modification of Decomposing Coefficient in Humus Accumulation Model Applied to Tephra-soil Sequence in Japan

Kumiko Aoki, Makiko Watanabe, Kan-ichi Sakagami
2001 The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu)  
The purpose of this study is to modify the decomposition coefficient (r) of the reversing Jenkinson's model: Cmax=C/exp-0.000125 t applied to humus accumulation in tephra-soil sequence. The decomposing coefficient (r) was optimized by the following procedure. 1) Examine the inorganic colloid components conducted by selective dissolution analysis to understand the state of humus bonding with aluminum that was considered to assign the age limitation for applying the model. 2) Examine the
more » ... hip between present climatic condition represented as Humidmine the direction of modifying the decomposing coefficient (r). 3) Determine the decomposing coefficient (r) by applying the enlarged or reduced coefficient (r) to the reversing Jenkinson's model on the assumption that equilibrium carbon content three representative tephra-soil sequences,
doi:10.4116/jaqua.40.319 fatcat:zvjolahjynbzppglzstnqnwbpe