Dynamics of successive minor hysteresis loops

Y. W. Windsor, A. Gerber, M. Karpovski
2012 Physical Review B  
Cumulative growth of successive minor hysteresis loops in Co/Pd multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy was studied in the context of time dependent magnetization reversal dynamics. We show that in disordered ferromagnets, where magnetization reversal involves nucleation, domains' expansion and annihilation, differences between the time dependencies of these processes are responsible for accumulation of nuclei for rapid domain expansion, for the asymmetry of forward and backward magnetization
more » ... reversals and for the respective cumulative growth of hysteresis loops. Loops stop changing and become macroscopically reproducible when populations of upward and downward nucleation domains balance each other and the respective upward and downward reversal times stabilize.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.85.064409 fatcat:ll2grkw35vfj7j5xudgklsqtry