A Study on Carbonation Resistance of Concrete Using Surface-coated Lightweight Aggregates
표면코팅된 경량골재를 사용한 콘크리트의 탄산화 저항성에 관한 연구

In-Hyeok Eom, Euy-Chang Jeong, Young-Su Kim
2014 Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction  
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of concretes using lightweight aggregate coated surface finishing materials. To evaluate the mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of concrete, slump, air amount, air-dried unit volume weight, compressive strength, and carbonation depth are tested. In terms of the unit volume weight of concrete, air-dried unit volume weight of concrete using coating lightweight aggregate was measured as
more » ... 739~1,806kg/m 3 . When using coating aggregate, compressive strength of concrete at 28 days was measured as much as 82.7~95.9% of the compressive strength using non-coating aggregate. It is found that compressive strength tends to decrease with coating lightweight aggregate. However, all concretes using coating lightweight aggregate except O-LWAC satisfied the criteria for 28-day compressive strength suggested in KS. The measurement of carbonation depth when the water-repellent agent was used found that carbonation depth was reduced by as much as 2.6~6.1%. On the other hand, when using polymer waterproof agent, carbonation depth was reduced by as much as 8.6~12.0%. Consequently, to improve carbonation resistance, polymer waterproof agent was more effective than water-repellent agent. In particular, epoxy showed the most outstanding performance.
doi:10.5345/jkibc.2014.14.1.021 fatcat:nxxsmr4a4rfw7pud4rgj3xygfy