Post-mortem Bacteriology

A. J. Wort, E. W. Walton
1966 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Correspondence BRDITALsH 611 treated disks. A collar or traction do not achieve this. The range of extension can be increased by means of a relaxed extension lying on a block under the upper dorsal region. The active extension must be carried out lying supine, and arching up to lie on back of head and buttocks. Carried out in this way ,the spine is not weight-bearing. It must be done as a stretch, not as physical jerks. This treatment has been carried out for a good many years in the hospitals
more » ... visit, 'with gratifying results.-I am, etc., Tunbridge Wells, W. H. GERVIS. Kent.
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.5487.611 fatcat:a34mz7ishvbrxlsbikffx5h3tm