The clustering of agricultural products and determining important countries for these clusters by the factor analysis

S. Er, A. Özçelik
2014 Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON)  
In the study, some important herbal agricultural products with respect to their production have been clustered, in addition to determining the most important or the best countries in terms of the production of certain herbal agricultural products by using the factor analysis. The FAO data set has been used in obtaining production of 30 agricultural products in 86 countries. 8 factors have been achieved by considering the Eigen values the numbers of which are greater than one. Each factor
more » ... s certain herbal agricultural products. First factor explains 40.51% of the total variation whilst the last factor explains only 3.89% of the total variability. 10 best countries for each factor have been revealed.  
doi:10.17221/24/2014-agricecon fatcat:hzzgdja23zggtbplsrvbjxcpsu